The Way of St.James in France : Walking between Cahors and Lectoure – 80 photos.

camino de santiago el camino frances 2

france routes santiago compostela cahors lectoure


The Way of St James, or the Camino de Santiago de Compostela is a series of pilgrimage routes running across all of Europe with Santiago de Compostela in north west Spain as their final destination. People have been walking it – as a pilgrimage route – for over a thousand years.

In France the most frequented Way is The Via Podensis which is The Way starting from Le Puy en Velay and ending in Saint Jean Pied de Port. The Way crosses very renown places as Le Puy, the Aubrac plateau, Conques and Cahors, up to Saint Jean Pied de Port, the famous meeting point of all European Ways.

The picturesque landscape of the White Quercy invites you on the crest footpath and to discover the Bastides. A few km later while getting close to the Tarn Valley and Moissac appreciate the lush orchard of Gascogne the craddle of D Artagnan, one of the famous Three Musketeers characters by Alexandre Dumas . This land is punctuated with castles and medieval chapels and is proud of its renown gastronomy ! ( Ici & Là Nature )

62-hiking camino ways st james cahors le puy way


60-valentre bridge cahors hiking trail le puy route


61-hiking trail camino way st james valentre bridge

59-caminoway le puy route hiking trail cahors

63-trail camino santiago  le puy way


france-way of saint-james-walking cahors lectoure

France- The Way of Saint-James ( Camino de Santiago ) between  Cahors and Lectoure : Click here ! 

walking cycling holidays france camino

01-the way of st james french way lauzerte

camino shell symbol 150

56-pilgrimage camino santiago france cahors lauzerte

19- way st james camino cahors lauzerte

20-hike way st james camino trail cahors lauzerte

21-hike way st james trip camino cahors lauzerte

camino de santiago el camino frances 2

57-hiking holidays camino santiago france lauzerte


The most beautiful Villages  of France.

50-camino santiago le puy route lauzerte

52-camino de santiago le puy route cahors lauzerte

25-trail way st james camino santiago cahors lauzerte


54-camino de santiago le puy route cahors lauzerte trail

55-pilgrimage camino santiago le puy route cahors lauzerte

24-way st james camino santiago france cahors lauzerte

43- hike saint james way cahors lauzerte

53-camino de santiago le puy way cahors lauzerte

26-way st james route camino cahors lauzerte

51-lauzerte way st james caminosantiago france

27-walking way st james camino santiago cahors lauzerte

29- st james way trail camino cahors lauzerte

30-landscape way st james camino cahors lauzerte

31-landscape france way saintt james camino cahors lauzerte

walking cycling holidays france camino

01-the way of st james french way lauzerte

33-way st james camino frances pilgrim garden lauzerte

34-pilgrim way st james camino lauzerte

35-way saint james france camino santiago lauzerte

37-pilgrim way in france santiago de compostela

65-pilgrim garden lauzerte camino santiago

39-pilgrim garden way st james cahors lectoure

32-landscape way saint james country cahors lauzerte

01-the way of st james french way lauzerte


Walking Camino Way in France-Moissac

40-way of saint james camino frances moissac hike

44-moissac way of saint james camino de santiago hike

0- way st james map cahors lectoure

41-hike camino santiago way st james moissac

45-moissac camino santiago way saint james

47-moissac way st james camino frances

48-travel hiking france way st james moissac

67-trail camino de santiago cathedral moissac

66-hiking french way camino santiago moissac

49-holidays france cloister moissac way st james

50-cloister moissac hiking way saint james camino

69-french way santiago camino moissac cloister

Walking Camino Way in France-Moissac

france-way of saint-james-walking cahors lectoure

France- The Way of Saint-James ( Camino de Santiago ) between  Cahors and Lectoure : Click here !

walking cycling holidays france camino

walking the way of st-james in france auvillar

03-Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure auvillar

11-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

04-Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure auvillar


The most beautiful Villages  of France.

05-Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure auvillar

07-Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure auvillar

08-Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure auvillar

09-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure


10-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

11-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

camino de santiago el camino frances 2

12-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

13-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

14-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

15-auvillar Way Saint James camino frances Cahors Lectoure

16-Way St James Camino frances Auvillar

17-Garonne river Camino Frances Way St James

walking the way of st-james in france auvillar

france-way of saint-james-walking cahors lectoure

France- The Way of Saint-James ( Camino de Santiago ) between  Cahors and Lectoure : Click here !

71-holidays france hiking camino ways le puy road

More information :

79-camino ways france hiking way st james

78- camino ways pilgrimage trail castle flamarens

72-old castle camino ways way st james france

walking cycling holidays france camino


73-hiking camino ways france miradoux

camino de santiago el camino frances 2

74-travel hiking france camino ways le puy route

75-camino ways saint james travel france

77-pilgrimage st james way le puy road

walking cycling holidays france camino

88-pilgrim office camino santiago way st james castets

82-pilgrimage camino way saint james le puy route

More information :

83-way of saint james camino de santiago hiking

84-walking holidays france camino ways st james

Please share your thoughts, all feedback is appreciated….

85-way of saint james camino santiago le puy route

camino de santiago el camino frances 2

86-trail camino way st james le puy route

walking the way of st james miradoux

france-way of saint-james-walking cahors lectoure

France- The Way of Saint-James ( Camino de Santiago ) between  Cahors and Lectoure : Click here !

walking cycling holidays france camino

france routes santiago compostela cahors lectoure

42-way of st james trail lectoure

81-pilgrimage camino way st james lectoure

90-hiking camino way saint james lectoure

91-camino santiago pilgrimage experience lectoure

92-pilgrimage camino santiago way st james lectoure

camino de santiago el camino frances 2

93-camino santiago way st james trail lectoure

94-pilgrimage camino santiago way st james adventure


95-camino santiago way outdoor travel france

96-pilgrimage way st james camino santiago

Please share your thoughts, all feedback is appreciated….

france-way of saint-james-walking cahors lectoure

France- The Way of Saint-James ( Camino de Santiago ) between  Cahors and Lectoure : Click here !

france routes santiago compostela cahors lectoure

-camino way of st-james in france-ici et  là nature

Walking and Cycling tours in France, Spain, Italy

Live a unique experience in France with our self-guided and guided walking and cycling holidays : Camino de Santiago, Way of St James, Provence, Normandy, … 


24 replies to “The Way of St.James in France : Walking between Cahors and Lectoure – 80 photos.

  1. Beautiful photo’s of wonderful places, as always 🙂
    If possible, could you tell me the name/symbolism/meaning of the man on the chair fixed to the wall please, as I heard of this many years ago but could not find a reference to it, thanks 🙂


    1. Hi
      I think you mean the iron sign board on the wall with “enluminures” under. Enluminures means “illuminations” medieval illuminations that you can find in medieval books as illustrations or capital letters at the beginning of the page. Thank you for your interest. Cécile


  2. I love your photography, I love looking at the architecture of other countries, and its evolution from the past to the present. the saying is true looking at your work, “If only walls could talk” & a photograph is worth a thousand words” I also love that you photograph the plantings on the stone structures! Boldness softened by nature!
    Thank you for liking my recent post it means a lot,


  3. Oh, I believe I have been to heaven!!… and your wonderful camera took me there. I am so appreciative of you for sharing all thes images with us. I know it is time-consuming to post all these pictures. We are most grateful!


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