France – Cevennes – A Knights Templar Site in Aveyron : La Couvertoirade – 50 photos.


79-chateau des templiers - Copie

 La Couvertoirade : One of the most beautiful villages in France.

In the middle of the austere Causse, apparently uninhabited, the village of La Couvertoirade appears like an unreal dream, coming from the past.How amazing to discover a village and its still intact 15th century walls.The houses,the bread oven, the church and the Templar château. Outside the walls, the largest and most beautiful stone lined natural pond of the Larzac.

larzac map

 02-chateau fort les templiers larzac

The Knights Templar and Hospitaller

The Knights Templar were given the land and therefore took possession of the Larzac plateau in the 12th century. The revenue served to maintain the Knights in the Holly Land. In order to ensure the security of the local inhabitants, they created the commandry of Sainte-Eulalie de Cernon, La Cavalerie, La Couvertoirade and Le Viala du Pas de Jaux; these villages which the Hospitaller Knights inherited during the suppression of the Order of the Knights Templar by the Pope in 1312 were fortified in the 15th century. The Hospitaller Knights ensured their management for five centuries. ( Read more )


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World Heritage List :The Causses and the Cévennes.

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03- tour d' angle chateau fort


79-chateau des templiers

Seal of the Templars




09-knights templar in france


05- knights templar village




54-church knigts templar



13-rue du moyen age

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19- vieille rue du moyen age



14b - vieille maison moyen age la couvertoirade


20-specialites aveyron france

 The delicacies of the Aveyron


14-maison du moyen age



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45-old shop fortress castle


44-artisanat en larzac


27-vieux magasin moyen age



26-antiques old shop france


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 Raspberry vanilla cakes

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12-la couvertoirade france


World Heritage List :The Causses and the Cévennes.

11-rue medievale en france



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28- tisserand moyen age



29- atelier des licornes la couvertoirade



40-l atelier des licornes la couvertoirade



70-ou trouver village templiers en france

Seal of the Templars


66-art artisanat aveyron



55-potier art cevennes causses larzac



41-artisanat local larzac france


64-artisan art larzac causses


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76- ou trouver tresor templiers






25-artisanat larzac cevennes



22-symbole du larzac



04-café la couvertoirade



72-old shop larzac caussses cevennes



74- circuit hospitaliers templiers causses larzac


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86-la couvertoirade




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Seal of the Templars


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49-artisanat art cevennes larzac



46-old street middle ages



15-middle ages in france larzac


21-pain bio natural bread in france


48-repas plein air la couvertoirade



47-outdoor lunch la couvertoirade


78-circuit templiers hospitaliers larzac





81-Paysage agropastoral CAUSSSES LARZAC UNESCO


51-causses cevennes larzac


52-paysage causses larzac cevennes

Seal of the Templars

79-chateau des templiers - Copie

larzac map

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France is a  hiking  and cycling paradise and our goal is to share our passion for the diversity of our country…..Ici & Là Nature is a Website giving access to English speaking travelers to local hiking and cycling Companies experts of a region of  France or Spain.

Discover France off the beaten paths….Discover some of the most beautiful regions of France :Provence,  Aquitaine, Perigord,  Bordeaux , the Alps , AlsaceMount St Michel , Brittany, Cevennes and of  Spain : Catalonia, the Camino de Santiago, Andalucia.( Read more : Ici & Là Nature )

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12 replies to “France – Cevennes – A Knights Templar Site in Aveyron : La Couvertoirade – 50 photos.

  1. Amazing! The Cevennes are on my list for future vacations and they’re moving up. 😉
    Wherever one is in France, Les plus beaux villages are always well worth a visit.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As usual, another wonderful collection of photos to tempt me to your country! I think it would take me a long time to finish my walks in your country as I would become engrossed in the old stone architecture and be eating and buying everything from local markets. You have so much of interest there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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